Caring for each other is part of the fabric of life here on the East Coast; it’s in our DNA. Atlantic Canadians take pride in being good neighbours and giving back to the community and have always played an important role in that. Philanthropy is defined as 'the love of people.' In this way, Atlantic Canadians are the very definition of philanthropists.

Nationwide, the top reasons for giving are 1) feeling compassion towards helping people, 2) helping a cause they truly believe in, and 3) making a contribution that makes a positive impact on the community.

There is another reason for giving that may not jump immediately to donors' minds but, it’s one that should not be forgotten - philanthropy helps solve problems.

Philanthropy can play a major role in finding solutions to some of today's toughest challenges in health care. These are issues such as providing better access to care, acquiring the most advanced technology possible for treatment, and keeping wait times as short as possible. All of these challenges are top of mind for anyone who requires healthcare services.

Examples of how philanthropy helps solve some of our biggest challenges are evident throughout all ten buildings and two sites of the QEII. Wait times for advanced imaging are being reduced thanks to a new 3T MRI that was fully funded through the QEII Foundation. Access to aquatic therapy for rehabilitation is once again an option for rehabilitation patients, thanks to a community of donors who supported our campaign to restore the therapeutic pool. And the QEII's first EBUS technology for treating patients with lung cancer will soon be arriving at the health centre, thanks to a group of passionate supporters who raised the funds to make this purchase possible.

Sometimes though, philanthropy fills a void and provides a benefit that is difficult to measure - like free, unrestricted Wi-Fi access at the QEII. Now, patients, families and friends are able to stay connected to each other during life's important moments, even while in hospital. This was completely funded through the QEII Foundation by a family who recognized a problem and through their creativity and generosity, provided a solution.

This issue of QEII Times is full of stories that showcase the positive impact of philanthropy. The generosity of Atlantic Canadians inspires us every day at the QEII Foundation and we are honoured to be part of this great tradition of giving back, and helping solve problems.

I invite you to join the QEII Foundation on our philanthropic journey. Right now, we are on a campaign for heart health and would love to hear from you. If you are considering how your generosity can make an impact, here are a few things to keep in mind:

· Give with passion. Charitable contributions reflect your personal values and your vision for the future of our community, and our world.

· Focus on impact. What we accomplish for those in need is the real measure of success. How can you help make someone’s life better? Demonstrating accountability and actual impact on patient care is important to anyone who invests in the QEII. It’s the promise we make to all our donors here at the QEII Foundation.

· Inspire others. Being a role model for change and encouraging those around you to give back helps build caring individuals, families and entire communities.

I hope you enjoy reading our 12th issue of QEII Times. Thanks to our partners at The Chronicle Herald and our advertisers, QEII Times continues to highlight the QEII and shine a light on philanthropy and the healthcare teams that make it happen every single day. Thanks for reading this issue. If you have any comments or questions, I invite you to contact me at or call 902 334 1536.